Saturday, December 24, 2022

Kisah yang Mengubah Mindset Kita

Lalat dan Unta

Mari kita mengulas satu kisah singkat dari Unta dan Lalat. Kisah yang memberikan kita satu pelajaran berharga terkait kehidupan di dunia ini.

Di sebuah gurun, ada seekor unta tampak kelelahan dan susah payah berjalan. Bila dilihat lebih dekat, di punggung unta tersebut ada seekor lalat yang menempel.



By: Ran Orihara

Hoga Kuon, pemuda yang ditakuti berkat kemampuannya membaca detak jantung, menciptakan permainan kolosal mengerikan bernama doki doki game di sekolahnya, SMA Seishin Gakuen. Tak ada seorang pun yang berani melawannya.

Kecuali Yamane Runa.



By: Ran Orihara

Menjadi korban tabrak lari saat berumur 10 tahun membuat Hoga Kuon tiba-tiba bisa mendengar suara detak jantung orang-orang di sekitarnya. Keanehan itu membuat hidup Kuon menjadi tak tenang, tapi lama-kelamaan justru membuatnya memahami perasaan orang. Takut, cemas, sedih, bahagia, dengki, cemburu—semua perasaan itu memiliki irama debaran jantung yang berbeda, dan Kuon bisa mendengar semuanya dengan sangat jelas.

Kecuali Yamane Runa.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 Check the quiz i made on the most enganging learning platform 'quizizz'

English Grammar Quiz now available

Tap Here

Google Form

 Link my Google form


 My Youtube

Using audacity part 2

 another example of audio using audacity

listening audio using audacity 1

 This is an example of listening audio using audacity and also available for mp3

quiz for Listening and Reading for grade XI

This is an example of questions or  quiz for Listening and Reading for grade XI

Designing Pictures as Media For Teaching English

 this an example of designing of picture as media for teaching English language

Simple Present Tense

This is the video for learning Simple Present Tense for beginners. hope you guys like it.

Traditional Market

 What do you know about traditional market?

    For generations, Indonesians have bought their food at traditional markets, pasar. The term pasar can refer to a gathering of tukang sayur (vendors who sell off carts which go through residential areas), to a rough, temporary structure where sellers gather in the morning, to the large, multistory buildings run by PD Pasar Jaya, Jakarta's market authority.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Motivated Books

 This Books will Motivate You

  1. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  2. 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B Peterson
  3. Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Biography of James Clear

 James Clear is a personal development keynote speaker and the author of the #1New York Times Bestseller Atomic Habits. His entertaining talks teach audiences about small habits, decision-making, and continuous improvement.

James doesn’t merely report the research of others. He tries out the concepts for himself as he experiments with building better habits as an entrepreneur, writer, and weightlifter. In the end, his talks end up being one-part storytelling, one-part academic research, and one-part personal experiment, forming a colorful blend of inspirational stories, academic science, and hard-earned wisdom.

Biography of Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is truly a multi-talented personality. He is an entrepreneur, investor, motivational speaker, author and also a financial knowledge activist. He is very popular for his series of books called ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’.

Kiyosaki is a Japanese American who was born in Hilo, Hawaii. He went to the U.S Merchant Marine Academy soon after graduating from Hilo High School. He graduated from the academy as a deck officer in 1969 and was honored with the Air Medal when he served in the Vietnam War as a gunship pilot. In 1975 Kiyosaki left the Marine Corps and worked as a Xerox machine salesperson. Three years later he started his own company that sold Velcro surfer wallets. The company did well for some time but unfortunately went bankrupt. In the beginning of the 1980s Kiyosaki tried his luck in a business that certified Heavy metal rock band T-shirts. He sold this business in 1985. Nearly a decade later after struggling to achieve success Kiyosaki decided to retire at the age of 47. However he rose once again in 1997 when he established Cashflow Technologies, Inc. This company incorporates and runs two of his brands namely, Rich Dad and Cashflow. 


 How to Read Book?

by: bookgeeksin

1. Get Started, Motivate Yourself

The key to achieving anything is to always stop procrastinating. There is no tomorrow and if it is there at all, its never going to come.

So, pull yourself together, give yourself that pep talk and like Nike likes to say, Just Do It.

2. Start With Something Easy and Fluid

If you are new to reading or if you are reading after a really long gap, the key to getting back is to always read something that is easy. If you pick a book which is easy and flowy, it will be much easier for you to get into reading again. On the other hand, if you pick a book which is overwhelming and difficult, you may actually end up not reading it at all.

3. Keep That Phone Away

Book Lovers

Book Lovers


Nora Stephens’ life is books—she’s read them all—and she is not that type of heroine. Not the plucky one, not the laidback dream girl, and especially not the sweetheart. In fact, the only people Nora is a heroine for are her clients, for whom she lands enormous deals as a cutthroat literary agent, and her beloved little sister Libby.